Your Lack of Systems is blocking your Business Growth

Systems aren't fancy or enjoyable for many, which has been news to me. I've always taken to creating new and maintaining beautifully designed systems, I am driven by them and essentially can't work without them.

However as I came to know the entrepreneurs in my network and life, I realized this wasn't a thing they also...enjoyed. They are the ones dreaming up huge visions and making an impact with so many people.

You might be one of those people that don't enjoy systems and probably rebel against them. Because of this, systems often get neglected and thrown together in a hurry as you go, they weren’t seen as an urgency in your business at the time and did the job needed. There are so many other things to do in your business, like marketing, sales, client work.

Here's the thing, your big goals and visions grew your business, but there comes a point when those 'created as I went' systems start to slow you down and waste a lot of your creative time you could be designing new ideas.  The cracks start to form by the lack of systems in place. There are clear signs you are ready for new and updated systems in your business.

If you find yourself constantly in a state of:

  1. Spending hours creating a proposal, updating the contract, and sending invoices

  2. Constantly recreating the wheel each time you do something in your business, such as social media posts or sending emails

What happens when your systems are working like they should:

When you create systems in your business, you stop recreating the wheel and your business relies less on you doing the day to day tasks. It allows you to take yourself out of that part of doing and into the designing and creating stage that moves your business forward.

If you don't have many systems in your business, your days are probably chaotic and you spend a lot more time thinking of what you should be working on and wasting energy on tasks that aren’t moving you forward.

Business Time Analysis:

I get push back about this, but it’s important to really understand where you are spending your time so that you can take it back. I also recommend doing this for each team member on your team.

  1. Plan out 1 week that you can write down every task that you do in your business and/or home life.

  2. Take note of the task and time spent

  3. Categorize work type for each. These work types are from the book, Clockwork which goes over the 4 D’s in your business.

For a business to grow and serve its clients base, it needs to get things done. This is the Doing part of a business. The business must also orchestrate its efforts so that all the people and systems are moving the business forward in a complementary fashion. This is the Design of a business. As people on your team work together, their communications will consist of making Decisions and Delegating work that must be accomplished.

  • DO - you’re doing the task

  • DECIDE - (you’re making the decisions, checking work

  • DELEGATE - you’re assigning the outcome

  • DESIGN - you’re planning for the future and creating new ideas

4. Calculate the total time in each column. Once you have your list, review and ask yourself which one can you document and systematize immediately.

Share your insights and thoughts below. Have a question? Ask away!

P.S. Overwhelmed and overloaded? I can help. Schedule a no obligation call with me.


Empowering Business Growth through Integrity, Innovation, and Customer-Centricity


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